Paris par Nelly - the ultimate guide by Nelly

"Paris par Nelly, le Guide" est un livre numérique (ebook) disponible en téléchargement qui te permettra de découvrir la ville de façon privilégiée (conseils, recommandations, adresses, anecdotes, 200 phrases pour communiquer etc..). Il est disponible en français.

€ 29.00 EUR
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70 pages
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Why "Paris par Nelly" is the guide for you:

Visit Paris as if you were with a friend living locally and take advantage of my personal recommendations for an authentic experience.

Save time and don't waste it any more looking for the best places, I've compiled them all for you.

Discover unusual and less touristy places and explore off-beat Paris.

Don't miss out on any monuments and make sure you see all you need to thanks to my tips.

Enjoy the authentic Paris and experience it like a true Parisian, with all the local tips.

Learn through personal anecdotes and real-life experiences and immerse yourself in the true Parisian life with my stories.

Get practical advice and tips for an authentic and hassle-free experience with my recommendations.

Enhance your knowledge of Paris and French culture and get an enriched experience with cultural and historical information.

What’s in the eBook:

  1. The 10 must-do activities: Don't miss out on any of Paris's musts.
  2. The guide by arrondissement (district): A selection of museums, restaurants, places to visit, shopping... district by district.
  3. The must-try culinary specialties: The best places to sample authentic French cuisine.
  4. My experience, my favorites and personal anecdotes: Share in my favorite moments and discover unique stories.
  5. The best free activities to do in Paris: Enjoy the city without maxing out your credit cards.
  6. My favorite Paris films: because Paris is the City of Light!
  7. Essential mobile applications to get

+ FREE: 200 conversational phrases to survive in Paris.

🎁 Exclusive Bonus: My story "the day I saw Notre-Dame de Paris on fire".