Le Français Naturellement

Express yourself without feeling stuck: the ultimate guidebook to lightspeed progress in French

Ebook format (PDF)
166 pages
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Speak French naturally, fluently and finally reach that French level you've been targeting for months...

Wouldn’t it be great?

To make rapid progress in French, you'd have to speak every day, be immersed, take hundreds of hours of lessons. Learning takes time, a lot of time and it doesn’t come cheap.

You may already have tried learning methods promising quick results, often ending in failure and even greater frustration.

These methods changed nothing:

❌ You feel like you haven’t made any progress
❌ You feel you're still making too many mistakes
❌ You're lost trying to find your way through all the resources available on the internet
❌ You feel stuck when you try to communicate in French
❌ You find it hard to expand your vocabulary
❌ You can't reach the next level
❌ Your motivation is failing

I can relate to all these feelings since I went through exactly the same difficulties. 😢

I've learned English, Spanish and Italian. I know that frustration, I've felt those same doubts.

I've understood that the path to mastering a foreign language isn't always easy, but solutions do exist.

The real problem isn't your ability to learn French, but the learning methods that weren’t suited for you.

In short, you haven't had access to the right resources, the right strategies, or the right support to make progress. 🤷🏼

🥳 I've created the perfect guide to help you learn French.

"French Naturally" will give you the keys to overcoming obstacles, acquiring solid language skills, and achieving your goals when it comes to French.

You'll be able to:

✅ Overcome the obstacles
✅ Acquire solid language skills
✅ Get advice from experienced teachers
✅ Discover the best resources
✅ Take your French to the next level
✅ Speak French naturally

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Learn French Fast

With the best resources selected by Nelly

Communicate Fluently

You will finally be able to have a fluent, natural conversation with anyone in French

Widen Your Vocabulary

Move to the next level and speak with eloquence

Lorsque j'ai commencé “Le français naturellement”, j'avais peur de m'ennuyer comme avec les autres livres d'apprentissage de langue mais, très vite, j'ai été surprise du contraire.

Il est extrêmement ludique, je ne voulais plus m'arrêter. J'apprécie particulièrement les conseils de films, de séries et la playlist musicale, et surtout : il y en a pour tous les goûts !

Je trouve que cela donne encore plus de motivation pour étudier régulièrement. J'étais un peu perdue au début mais j'ai rapidement compris qu'on peut travailler dans n'importe quel ordre, en fonction de ses besoins et envies et ça, c'est génial.

En bref, ce livre est vraiment accessible à tous.
J'adorerais retrouver ce format pour d'autres langues... Et pour le français, je vous le recommande très fortement !

- Clara, Italia

What the book contains

Don't waste another second and start speaking French the way you’ve always wanted to!

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This book is for you if

  • You want to make rapid progress in French using effective resources
  • You want to overcome the barriers that have prevented you from successfully communicating in French
  • You want to expand your vocabulary to reach a higher level of language proficiency

This book is NOT for you if

  • You're not interested in improving your French skills
  • You prefer a grammar-based learning approach
  • You're already an expert in French and don't feel the need to deepen your linguistic knowledge

What you will get

  • The method to stop feeling stuck when speaking
  • 100 phrases to use in conversations
  • 50 idiomatic expressions to use
  • A dictionary of colloquial French
  • Techniques for speaking like a native
  • Interactive exercises (with answers)
  • Vocabulary cards to communicate

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My name is Nelly, and I'm a French teacher.

But that's not all!

I'm also a language learner, and I used to be very shy. Today, I help my students overcome their learning obstacles.

My YouTube channel Français avec Nelly has over 400,000 subscribers and over 1 million followers on social networks.

I was a university teacher in Paris and I have a Master 2 in French teaching from the University of Paris.

I have helped over 1,000 students achieve their goals thanks to my teaching methods, and my clients' testimonials speak for themselves. Clients achieve concrete results and reach their personal goals when it comes to learning French.